Air Pollution Control Solutions
Pulp and
For 50 years AirPol has provided custom-designed solutions for the pulp and paper industry.
Mining and Specialty Metals Recovery
Gold mines and other precious metals recovery processes utilize high-energy venturi scrubbing.
Acid Gas
Acid gases are removed from dirty airstreams by absorption into an alkali liquid.
Gasification and Syngas Scrubbing
Venturi scrubbers removes the compounds generated from the gasification process.
Chemical and Specialty Processes
Robust air pollution control systems are required in the manufacturing processes.
WESPs help smaller industrial boilers comply with the published Industrial Boiler MACT Standard.
WESP technology represents Best Available Control Technology for removal of fine fibers and organic mists.
MACT Standards and New EPA Rules
New EPA rules require control of fine particulate matter and some acid mists.