Metals and Mining
Mining Air Pollution Solutions – High-Efficiency Particulate Capture
Every stage of the mining process, including the extraction, generation of solid waste, and refining and processing, creates air pollution that has environmental and public health impacts. AirPol has extensive experience in designing mining air pollution solutions for particulate collection, air purification, and destruction of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These mining air pollution solutions can also be applied to the specialty metal recovery industries.
Industrial mining and precious metals recovery processes utilize high-energy venturi scrubbers to capture particulate (precious metals, which are valuable products in the recovery process) in their scrubbers. In these industries, the particulates are not so much “pollutants” but precious metals, the recovery of which is highly valuable. Mining and precious metal air pollution control systems must operate at high efficiencies in order to maximize retrieval of residual precious metals.
Venturis for iron ore reduction plant

Six venturi systems for an iron-ore-reduction plant, including fans, ductwork, stacks and support structures; treating a total gas volume of 418,000 scfm.

Dual venturi/separator systems on dedusting oxide dryer/iron ore (under construction).

Recycle pump system.